allain dominique


Biografia di allain dominique

Chaque sculpture est passée par l'enfer.
Une définition brillante de la création de Dominique ALLAIN n'existe peut - être pas. Rien ne devrait être ajouté. Son retour en direction de Venise, après des années (vingt cinq ans) - "la fin d'un paradigme" - voile les traces et la manière de ce créateur du "Raku art moderne". On a découvert déjà le zéro de sa création - le destin a été introduit. Il a découvert le thème qui l'a marqué avec l'image de l'illustration humaine pour des années.
Il était d'une partie au début. La route, aux secrets de la vie, croise le corps humain... Les fragments et les traces humaines apparaissent dans sa sculpture. Il quitte les vertus traditionnelles sculpturales, ne forme pas toujours le modelé. La réalisation "matière" devient le point de départ de sa fantaisie. La vieille plénitude du corps et de l'esprit est dissoute dans les fragments terribles des substances humaines. Chaque sculpture est passée par l'enfer... ALLAIN, homme, s'est trouvé au milieu du monde, dont la direction, ne peut pas être observée. Au début, ALLAIN erre dans l'aliénation, la tragédie erre dans l'homme et ses labyrinthes, dans un avion sous l'eau. Il a étudié les "aspects intégrés" de sa création historique et de la plénitude sculpturale, il a dépassé ses monodrames humains qui ont acquis plus tard une image spécifique. L'aliénation est un début extorqué d'un niveau universel de l'homme et de l'énergie totalitaire. Les fragments humains sont intégrés à l'intérieur par l' enfer; Des membres sont attachés aux corps et aux têtes: les masques ont un regard muet malgré les grimaces du miracle de la vue. La volonté efficace de ce monde jette ses ombres, l'ombre de la femme a émergé comme fantôme dans ses sculptures
L'homme est seulement identité civile; il perd son visage d'as. Son identité sociale tue son identité biologique et vice - versa. Paraphrasant Schopenhauer, nous pouvons dire dès lors que la vie humaine - tragiquement dans son "Verkollkommnung" - , apparaît, dans ses détails particuliers, comme une comédie.
Réunification fortuite et inattendue de l'homme et d'une une trivialité hyperthropique, du résultat routinier du baillon, de la secousse grotesque, dans les paraphrases et dans les anecdotes, du rire dans la crainte, il organise l' ordre du mouvement sans but des "héros".
ALLAIN, est toutefois une réponse à l'ordre absurde des choses.

Each sculpture passed through the hell. Perhaps a brilliant definition of the creation of Domenique ALLAIN does not exist. It was intended for Venice of this semi - annual year? Zeros should be added. Its return in direction of Venice, after years (after twenty five years) - "end of a paradigm" - the traces and the manner of this creator of the "Raku art moderne" want. It already discovered the zero of its creation - the destiny was introduced. It found the topic which marked it with the image of the human illustration for years. This simple fact however announces an explanation: ALLAIN expressed a sight different and constraining of the desired company and allows culturally and socially the air ballon (which it lived or created). Pedestal eliminating the image from the hero, it replaced it with the image of the victim, of a humiliated and wounded humanity. Remainder, it dared to digress against the essential paradigm of the realistic culture. It was of a part at the beginning. The road, with the secrecies of the life, crosses the human body... The fragments and the human traces appear in its sculpture. It leaves the sculptural traditional virtues, always does not form not modelled. The realization "matter" becomes the starting point of its imagination. However, it is not a foundation of company of the illustration. To carve the form, the border between the body and the world which is foreign a priori, creates a scenography of the drama and conflict. The sensitive borders between normality, the foreigner, the physicist and the not - physicist, protecting the human body against the external world, lose their function and are thus born (it and him) against it, are turned, convert and deform transforming it and the formant in "abstract and impotent junctions", the life, in the form of homoncules of enormous exproprié. The old plenitude of the body and the spirit is dissolved in the terrible fragments of the human substances. Each sculpture passed by the hell... ALLAIN, man, was in the medium of the world, whose direction, cannot be observed. Vanity, indifference and the vacuum which populate to be it (nonsense and feelings of concern), as well exceed your judgement, if they are not depended on the gibet of the meeting on its are delirious, in which the will and the choice are the play. Antagonism eternal between "me" and the world (this one acquires the form of the reunification between Camus and the nonsense of the situation and contains the presence of the existence). At the beginning, ALLAIN wanders in alienation, the tragedy wanders in the man and his labyrinths, on an aircraft under water. It studied the "integrated aspects" of its historical creation and of the sculptural plenitude, it exceeded its monodrames human which acquired a specific image later. Alienation is an extorted beginning of a universal level of the man and totalitarian energy. The human fragments are integrated inside by the hell; Members are attached to the bodies and the heads: the masks have a dumb glance in spite of the grimaces miracle of the sight. The effective will of this world throws its shades, the shade of the woman emerged as phantom in his sculptures the man is only civil identity; it loses its face of ace. Its social identity kills its biological identity and vice versa. Paraphrasing Schopenhauer, we can say since the human life - tragically in its "Verkollkommnung" - , appears, in its particular details, like a comedy. Fortuitous and unexpected reunification of the man and a hyperthropic commonplace, result creature of habit of the muzzle, grotesque jolt, in the paraphrases and the anecdotes, of the laughter in fear, it organizes the order of the movement without goal of the "heroes". ALLAIN, is however a response to the absurd order of the things.


allain dominique
Scultore raku
vive e lavora a GARNAY  (F)
Telefono: 0237436977